yrkja 1 (long stem) “work, cultivate”

“take part, set to work; compose”


transitive (acc)

active voice
present indicative present subjunctive
1sg ek yrki 1pl vér yrkjum 1sg ek yrkja 1pl vér yrkim
2sg þú yrkir 2pl þér yrkið 2sg þú yrkir 2pl þér yrkið
3sg hon yrkir 3pl þau yrkja 3sg hon yrki 3pl þau yrki
preterite indicative preterite subjunctive
1sg ek orta 1pl vér ortum 1sg ek yrta 1pl vér yrtim
2sg þú ortir 2pl þér ortuð 2sg þú yrtir 2pl þér yrtið
3sg hon orti 3pl þau ortu 3sg hon yrti 3pl þau yrti
preterite infinitive ortu
past participle f. ort m. ortr n. ort
imperative 2sg yrk 1pl yrkjum 2pl yrkið
middle voice: yrkjask “begin; attack one another; compete in poetry”
present indicative present subjunctive
1sg ek yrkjumk 1pl vér yrkjumk 1sg ek yrkjumk 1pl vér yrkimk
2sg þú yrkisk 2pl þér yrkizk 2sg þú yrkisk 2pl þér yrkizk
3sg hon yrkisk 3pl þau yrkjask 3sg hon yrkisk 3pl þau yrkisk
preterite indicative preterite subjunctive
1sg ek ortumk 1pl vér ortumk 1sg ek yrtumk 1pl vér yrtimk
2sg þú ortisk 2pl þér ortuzk 2sg þú yrtisk 2pl þér yrtizk
3sg hon ortisk 3pl þau ortusk 3sg hon yrtisk 3pl þau yrtisk
past participle n. orzk
imperative 2sg yrksk 1pl yrkjumk 2pl yrkizk

PG *wurkijaną, OE wyrcan 1 (worhte, worht), ME werken, MnE work. Shares a root with PG *wurkāną, ON orka 2 “be able,” as well as PG *wirkijaną, Dutch werken “work,” German wirken “effect; work.” Note the unmutated preterite, resulting from a lacking i-theme in the preterite, as well as the -tt- sequence assimilated from kt > ht, a development shared with sœkja and þykkja.

assimilation  ·  cluster reduction

Corpus search: present active / preterite active / present reflexive / preterite reflexive

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